
又名:故乡3 - 一部时代更替编年史

主演:Henry Arnold Salome Kammer Peter Schneider Uwe Steimle 

导演:Edgar Reitz / 编剧:Edgar Reitz/Thomas Brussig


Plot Summary:This is not only a sequel to the "Second Heimat", but also a chronicle of a very decisive decade for Germany (1989 to 200). The main couple of the mini-series released in 1992, Hermann Simon and Clarissa Lichtbau (played by the same actors), reunite after almost exactly 19 years. Their last night of love in November 1970 closed the previous series. Now, on November 9th, 1989, when the Berlin Wall falls, Hermann and Clarissa meet each other again by mere chance. Surrounded by celebrations, the former lovers bring each other up to date, and reestablish a relationship. Hermann has become a well known maestro and Clarissa, a respected singer, but both lead solitary lives. Clarissa takes Hermann back to his birthplace, Schabbach where he can revisit his brothers, Ernst and Anton (the same actors from Heimat 1), who stayed on there, and extended family and friends. Nearby on a hill, is the house of Clarissa's dreams, a mansion in ruins. Another national party uniting Germany, the 1990 World Cup championship, marks the reconstruction of this mansion as the new home for the old/new couple. From then on, life in the Hunsrück region takes its course, with new inhabitants, old and new generations interacting. Events continue to be highlighted by now-historic developments, such as the 1992 withdrawal of American troops who were based there for almost 50 years, and new ties with the old enemy Russia.


egwood • 观影日记

故乡3:重要的事件对平凡人的影响同样存在,但并不是所有,即使是柏林墙倒塌,仍有不幸的人深陷迷茫。 第

newlight • Heimat 三部曲

以下是我当时在BBC FOUR看 Heimat 时记录下来的感想,当时都发在英华论坛上。BBC FO