
又名:恶搞野郎与美丽癫世界(港) / 恶搞野郎与美丽世界(台) / 混小子与美丽世界 / 混帳傢伙與美麗世界 / 混帳東西與美麗世界 / 混蛋野郎的美丽世界 / 极恶无聊哭泣跳舞?全是臭小子的四个故事


主演:浅野忠信 马场富美加 满岛真之介 中岛塞娜 尾野真千子 稻垣吾郎 香取慎吾 草彅刚 富手麻妙 神乐坂惠 野崎萌香 古馆宽治 伊藤健太郎 

导演:园子温 / 山内健司 / 太田光 / 児玉裕一 / 


Plot Summary:The Bastard and the Beautiful World is an omnibus film consisting of four episodes. (1) Fujiko is running as fast as she can, being chased after by a creepy masked man called Mad Dog. They meet a talented pianist on the way. (2) A mysterious relationship between a little girl, Utagui, who eats songs to live, and an artist who can't sing anymore. (3) A married couple sets off on a journey to find the right arm of their dead son. They finally reached a beach in Okinawa and find...? (4) Bastards comes together on a night dance floor for a show.
穷凶极恶、放声大哭、尽情跳舞,4个故事里聚集了一群烂人。   用尽全力奔跑着的女人不二子和紧追不舍的被称为“疯狗”的面具恶棍;在他们要去的地方,有一位天才钢琴家;一个以“歌”为生的少女和无法再歌唱的艺术家之间有着耐人寻味的联系;一对夫妇为了找回死去儿子的右手,踏上旅途。两人在冲绳海边遇到的将会是?一场大秀在混蛋们夜夜笙歌的舞池中拉开序幕。


雪小P • 新しい地図

2018.04.10 Toho Cinemas 六本木ヒルズ 四个导演风格迥异,世间奇妙物语既视感。