Plot Summary:The legend of King Arthur, this time, from the perspective of the King's Wizard, Merlin. Merlin is a creature born of pagan magic, living in a world converting to Christianity. Merlin is beside Arthur as he gains Excalibur, builds Camelot and is betrayed by his wife, Guinevere. Merlin and Arthur are both menaced by the plots of Morgan Le Fey, her son by Arthur, Mordred, and their cohorts. Through it all, Merlin tries to keep Arthur from the destructive path set by fate.
本片系根据家喻户晓的欧洲中古世纪之经典故事改编而成,叙述故代女神-梅宝利用魔法使大魔法师-莫林降生,及莫林年轻时如何研习魔法,继而秉持智慧和正义,辅佐亚瑟取得圣剑登上王位,产生举世闻名的圆桌武士,并与亚瑟共同抵抗法力超强的黑暗女王... …… 莫林去了,他看到了他妻子,他们都老了,枯干了,但是见面的场面很感人,莫林说,我老了,使用不了魔法了,但是,我好象还能够施一点,他伸出手,在自己和妻子的面前挥了一下,两个人奇迹般的都年轻了.他们又回到年轻的时候,找寻他们自己的时光去了...