黑岩Black Rock(2012)

又名:黑岩岛 / 黑色摇滚

上映日期:2012-01-21(圣丹斯电影节) / 2013-05-17(美国)片长:79分钟

主演:凯特·波茨沃斯 蕾克·贝尔 凯蒂·阿赛尔顿 

导演:凯蒂·阿赛尔顿 / 编剧:Mark Duplass/Katie Aselton


Plot Summary:Three women who were good friends in the past get back together for the first time since they were kids to spend time on an island called Black Rock. They meet some local hunters and find out they know one of them from when they were children. After inviting them to join them in a few drinks on the beach, the atmosphere changes into one of panic and horror as the situation and friendships are turned on their head in a brutal confrontation.
莎拉(凯特·波茨沃斯 Kate Bosworth 饰)、艾比(凯蒂·阿赛尔顿 Katie Aselton 饰)和路易丝(蕾克·贝尔 Lake Bell 饰)是三个从童年时代就在一起玩的好朋友,为了弥合另外两人的矛盾,莎拉特意组织了一次远离城市喧嚣和烦恼的假期旅行。她们乘船来到名为黑岩(Black Rock)的孤岛展开巡宝冒险。一路上有欢声笑语,也有争吵咆哮,心中固有的芥蒂毕竟无法意识清除。在此期间,她们邂逅当年相识的男子亨利(Will Bouvier 饰)以及和他一同打猎的伙伴德雷克(Jay Paulson 饰)与阿历克斯(Anslem Richardson 饰)。   夜幕降临,三对男女围坐篝火旁相聊甚欢。但随着原始兽性取代人性,一切急转直下,杀戮突然降临……


龙飞 • 女人是祸水


漂洋过海来看你 • my first Kate Bosworth movie~

我真的觉得这是一部ok movie,主要还是讲girl power。从小长大的女孩们肯定多多少少会发