幕末机关说·伊吕波歌幕末機関説 いろはにほへと(2006)

主演:浪川大辅 佐藤利奈 井上和彦 诹访部顺一 矢部雅史 乃村健次 长嶝高士 小樱悦子 松冈由贵 小村哲生 樫井笙人 桧山修之 山寺宏一 鸟海浩辅 津嘉山正种 

导演:高桥良辅 / 大桥誉志光 / 三好正人 / 北村真咲 / 寺冈岩 / 远藤广隆 / 林直孝 / 政木伸一 / 编剧:高桥良辅 Ryôsuke Takahashi/宫下隼一/吉田伸 Shin Yoshida/铃木康之/矢立肇 Hajime Yatate


Plot Summary:The Shogunate is in its final years, and war is fast approaching. When Akizuki Yojiro, a dark and mysterious mercenary, nears something supernatural with some kind of importance to him, the ornament on the end of his sword hilt waves in its direction, his eyes glow mysteriously, and he is driven to go after it. He comes across a traveling theater group who is out for revenge for the killing of the parents of the group's leader, and whose mysterious playwright likes to secretly help along events of history. Yojiro joins them to lend them his skill against their enemies, while dark conspiracy continues to follow behind him.


若缺 • 幕末/虾夷共和国/最真实的土方岁三

这是一部全没有大红大紫过的web动画。 但是我却在6年中看了3遍,并且每次都是集集看片头。 故事

封口龙 • 琐碎片言

最初是看到某资源发布人写的几句片语: 对历史还原的很到位,如果有了解日本史的人看此片从里面可以看到很

平淡者 • 从这扯到高桥良辅

本人第一次发表影评,对于疏漏之处还望多多包涵。近来看了不少高桥良辅的作品,感到相当有趣。 一 初见其

炎和永远 • 耀次郎的政治立场


Manca • 这就是传说中的KUSO历史剧吗~

终于花了三天时间看完了... 总体感觉很一般,刚开始对画风色指定什么的印象都不错,还希望这会是一部气