Z (comme Z):剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Three young men, a scriptwriter, a producer and a director are called in by Benny U Murdoch, an exotic movie producer. He wants to make a new erotic movie starring a big woman - the \"Eskimo Nell\" of the title. However problems start from the beginning, the scriptwriter is a virgin, a lover of penguins and hasn't a clue on how to write an erotic movie, each of the three main backers want a different type of movie - a western, an erotic and a kung-fu movie with different people in the main part. However problems really start for the three when Benny runs off with all the money and they have to make three different versions of the same film and try not to let the backers and stars know what has happened. And this is made harder when there is a clean-up-filth society breathing down their necks....
[艺术家]导演米歇尔·阿扎纳维西于斯将执导丧尸题材惊悚喜剧新片[Z(像Z)](Z (Comme Z),暂译)。罗曼·杜里斯、让-帕斯卡尔·扎迪([乘风破浪的黑哥哥])主演。该片翻拍自日本影片[摄影机不要停!],故事围绕一个丧尸电影的片场展开。

Z (comme Z)的影评列表

心路飞扬 • 喜剧僵尸拍摄误打误撞热爱家庭温情片。一开始是一部比较中二的僵尸片,是说一个剧组在拍一部僵尸片,在拍摄过程中,剧组的成员被拍摄地的病毒感染,变成了僵尸


超级电影迷1973 • 是及格的照猫画虎,不是毁原作的东施效颦


电影大观察 • 说本片是原样复制的人都是瞎了眼了!

提醒:字幕全走完还有一个小彩蛋,是原创剧情,还蛮有意思的,别错过。 说本片是原样复制的人都是瞎了眼了

深焦DeepFocus • 每个镜头都在抄?这样戛纳开幕片意义何在?

开幕片 非竞赛单元 丧尸不要停 Coupez 导演: 米歇尔·阿扎纳维西于斯 编剧: 米歇尔·阿扎纳

Siqi不是Siki • Coupez!Cut!
