未曾流失的时间Olga, Victoria Olga(2006)

又名:Time Without Time


主演:José Luis Alfonzo Milagros Ansorena Karina Carvallo 

导演:Mercedes Farriols / 


Plot Summary:Barbara is overwhelmed. Overwhelmed by her parents relationship; by the existing conflict between her wishes and the society she has to live in; by love; by lack of love; by the disconnections. One dawn, she returns from a party driving at almost 60 m/h, with her boyfriend Federico, two friends, and lots of alcohol. Between death, impotence and incomprehension, the story of her grandmother, Olga, will emerge. At the right time, with a precise wisdom, with the understanding of a family -and familiar- (hi)story of Italian immigrants, repeated trough generations.


幸福的大麦茶 • 水里生死,时间不曾流逝

《未曾流逝的时间》真的很冷门,居然连张海报也找不到。 但是真的太好看了,感觉比《潘神的迷宫》好看。