你在笑Tu ridi(1998)

又名:You Laugh


主演:安东尼奥·阿尔巴内斯 Giuseppe Cederna 卢卡·津加雷蒂 

导演:保罗·塔维亚尼 / 维托里奥·塔维亚尼 / 编剧:保罗·塔维安尼 Paolo Taviani/维克托里奥·塔维亚尼 Vittorio Taviani


Plot Summary:Two segments: In the first one Felice, a baritone who has had to give up his career because of a heart condition and now works as an accountant at the Opera, inexplicably spends his nights laughing in his sleep. When his best friend, a cripple, takes his life and his wife abandons him Felice decides to die himself. In the second segment two kidnappings in Sicily, the second of which took place a century before the present one, are compared.


蝼蚁 • 笑了

我们需要一个笑的表情,因为人们早已约定俗成。笑,浅薄而隐喻 。如同时装上的亮片闪闪示人,你可以附下身