
又名:King Drummer


主演:何莉莉 凌云 杨帆 陈鸿烈 

导演:井上梅次 / 编剧:井上梅次


Plot Summary:A talented but reckless young longshoreman Sun Chi-Chiang from the wrong side of the docks gets a chance to achieve showbiz stardom as the Krupka-esque 'Thunder King Drummer' with a tip from his mild mannered but equally talented composer brother Yi-Chuan, both to the dismay of his bitter working class mother who disapproves of her sons leading their lives as struggling musicians. Chi-Chiang gets his fifteen minutes of fame with the patronage of the beautiful well-heeled promoter Li-Chen seeking a replacement for the drummer and lover who was tempted away by a rival promoter. Chi-Chiang wins a televised jazz drumming contest against his rival and achieves new-found fame but not without further obstacles including his mother's disapproval, his rival's jealously, his rival's vamp girlfriend's advances and a chorus of shady denizens who inhabit the nightclub scene plotting for King Drummer's demise.
井上梅次導演的代表作之一,船員孫志強(凌雲 飾)機緣巧合成為「火花大樂隊」的鼓手,他因急於成名,竟然答應幫助音樂雜誌出版人李源明(魏平澳 飾)接近樂隊經理黃麗真(何莉莉 飾),以換取源明的力捧。終於,志強得償所願,一炮而紅,但源明卻逼他實踐諾言,與麗真斷絕來往。志強受到極大打擊,唯有忍痛離開樂隊與麗真……


千寻亿选 • 5274:青春鼓王

1 乐器我不懂,就觉得凌云敲的挺hi,只是老弓着背,对比起来陈鸿烈就潇洒多了。 2.唱歌我

柴猫君 • 片段好看

看了个片段很有意思,画面切换转场都很老式有板有眼的感觉,表演也很有喜感很爱演。 最喜欢的一个画面是黑