用了一天时间刷完了这部纪录片形式的,对托特纳姆热刺在2019穆里尼奥上任后的回顾, 现在是20年底,热刺目前排名英超第二,回头看看球队上一年过山车似的表现,就更能理解这赛季球队的韧劲和总经理列为的野心。穆里尼奥真的就像是电影明星,在剧中的真情演出太圈粉了。我记录了他在剧中的一些言语:

1. Too many holidays, too many football matches watching from spaces where I don't belong. I don't belong to the box. I don't belong to the stands. I don't even belong to the sofa of my house. I belong to the game.


2. It's not just about playing football or coaching football. It's about win. If we don't win, it's empty. It's an empty career. I hate losing.

这不仅仅是关于踢球或者当教练, 赢球是一切!如果我们不能赢球,一切都是空的,那将是一无所获的职业生涯。我憎恨输球。(天生赢家来自于强大的求胜欲)

3. Spurs last season, just the fact to reach the final is an amazing achievement. But... It is not history. History is winning.


4. To Dele Ali: For me since the beginning, I have no doubts about your potential. I saw you do incredible matches and incredible things. But I always felt that you had ups and downs. There is a huge difference between a player that keeps consistency and a player that has moments. And that is what makes a difference between a top, top player and a player with top potentials.

对阿里说:从一开始我从不怀疑你的潜质。我知道你可以踢出无与伦比的比赛。 但是我总是觉得你的状态起伏不定。有段时间能踢出好球的球员和能持续保持高竞技水平的球员之间是有巨大差距的。而这就是超级巨星和一个好球员之间的距离。

5. Today I am 56. Yesterday, I am 20. Time flies. I think one day, you will regret if you don't reach what you can reach.


6. If we go there Micky Mouse mentality, they fuck us.

