Is sexual jouissance supposed to happen across sexes? What caused the sexual jouissacne? Is it just the bodily reaction? This film raised these questions without giving an answer.

After experiencing crazy bithparty and rewarding with mischievious behavior towards those who laugh at them being gays, thew two boys had their first intimate sexual activity, which ended up with one runing away without finishing. Ballas, the boy who runs away, accused Frank for carring out oral sex while he was sleeping. Then, a series of events followed and escalated to violence and blood. Actually, as Frank asked what are you afraid of?, these events are the covering-up of Ballas, covering up his fear that he is gay and has developped homesexual tendency.

Franky obviously had interest in Ballas, sexually and emotionally, which is the reason why he delayed the sexual behavior with his girlfriend. After openning himself up toward his divorced father because of his homesexual interest, the father says, to marry Frank's mother and to have homesexual interest after the marriage are both not mistakes. He suggest Frank just pay attento to whom he is drawn to and not to worry about what is called, either heterosexual or homesexual.

If it is the law or prohibition that caused the sexual jouissance, then it is social prejudice against the gay or lesibian that caused the sexual jouissance towards them, as the incest taboo caused the sexual fantacy between generations, teacher and students, etc. This explains transformation of sexual jouissance from the animal to human beings. Animal conducts sexual intercourse, enjoying sexual jouissance and producing next generation; human beings enjoys sexual jouissance without producing next generation, and of course there are nomal human being as normal as animals. The question is what cuased the abnormal sexual jouissance?

小小巨人Giant Little Ones(2018)

又名:他们都是这样长大的(港) / 庞大的小家伙 / G.L.O.

上映日期:2018-09-09(多伦多电影节) / 2019-03-01(美国)片长:93分钟

主演:玛丽亚·贝罗 / 凯尔·麦克拉克伦 / 泰勒·辛克森 / 彼德·奥德博拉治 / 达伦·曼恩 / 乔什·维金斯 / 妮娅姆·威尔逊 / 基亚娜·马德拉 / 奥利维亚·斯克里文 / 卡尔森·迈克马克 / 李康宁 / 杰夫·克拉克 / 海莉·基特尔 / 史蒂芬·穆尔 / 埃文·马什 / 特洛伊·布德罗 / 

导演:基思·贝尔曼 / 编剧:基思·贝尔曼 Keith Behrman