Well, I was watching this John Frusciante rendition of How Deep is Your Love on Youtube, and consequently it led me to its original version of BeeGees. Then I ended up watching the opening scene of Saturday Night Fever-- where John Travolta walks down the street of Brooklyn to the music of BeeGees. He stops and turns around to stare at the beautiful woman passing by, glances exchanges but nothing happens. Now that is genius.
New York City in its golden age, 1970's! It's a movie about the youth, love, friendship and well, the conflict of generations. Like many other movies in that era, it bears much resemblance to each other, and the plot is quite cliche and simple. Blue collar young dudes don't know what to do with their lives, and they dance to the Disco at weekends try to achieve social achievement.
Now comes in the part of conflict of social classes. some how-tos to how to date a girl that is out of your league. Karen Lynn acts like a higher class wanna-be, she uses big words, mentions big names, as a way to show difference, but...but she has a blue collar accent.
The plot is very similar to its sibling-- Grease, in a way. But the ending is obscure and undetermined. Karen lynn wants to keep the relationship as friendship, maybe just wants to see where it goes. a sense of reality.
The movie was shot in film, obviously, Love that color.

周末夜狂热Saturday Night Fever(1977)

又名:周末狂热 / 周末夜生活 / 周六夜狂热


主演:约翰·特拉沃尔塔 / 凯伦·琳恩·高妮 / 保罗·佩普 / 约瑟夫·卡利 / 丹妮·狄龙 / 

导演:约翰·班德汉姆 / 编剧:Nik Cohn/Norman Wexler
