故事梗概: 夫妻俩 Reza (Jonny Lee Miller - 《基本演绎法》) 和 Ilsa (Sofia Boutella 《新木乃伊》) 定居在火星前沿一个与世隔绝的定居点。。。。直到不速之客Jerry ( Ismael Cruz ) 的到来,他宣告定居点并非夫妻所有。。。。 于是。。。。。。

故事的第一幕可以看作在美国当年任意一个拓荒者定居地发生,《移居者》成功地演绎了一个定居于蛮荒前沿的家庭。。。在广袤无垠的荒芜之地中一座孤独的小屋,远离文明社会。。。。导演透过年轻的女儿 Remmy 视角展开故事情节。。。起初除了父母描述的火星风貌外,她对于外部一无所知。。。。。呃,夫妻俩不久就意识到危机迫在眉睫。


As a film setting background off earth, 'Settlers' feels a bit small. The quiet film is intimate, immersed more in Remmy's reactions to her changing world. There's a dull monotony to their existence on Mars: a lot of dishwashing and eating meals in strained silence. These quiet moments allow the scenes to focus on the characters taking in their shifting situation - their incremental reactions make their eventual dramatic turns more harrowing.

Powered by the unknown - the fear of it and the curiosity of what lies beyond, the film later shows that Remmy's parents try to protect her from the harsh truth, both physically and mentally. This vagueness in world detail actually sharpens Remmy's overall journey - that of young woman faced with daunting threats and compromises by those around her, and even in the face of almost certain death, she pushes forward to survive.


总的来说,电影的问题是故事推进毫无趋势可言, 开始的时候貌似是个类似于西部拓荒的科幻电影。。。到了中途小主人公 Remmy 逐步揭开这个世界的秘密。。。这个过程开始以周及时。。后来以年为单位?! 这使得电影观赏性大大降低。。。作品本身2星巴。。。还有半星给亲亲福尔摩斯大大。。。。





主演:索菲亚·波多拉 / 尼尔·泰格·弗莉 / 约翰尼·李·米勒 / 伊斯梅尔·克鲁斯·科尔多瓦 / 布鲁克琳·普林斯 / Natalie Walsh / 

导演:Wyatt Rockefeller /