Une toile d'araignée:在线播放

Une toile d'araignée剧情介绍

类型: 地区:比利時 年份:2015

Hakan 是一個年輕的土耳其人,在法國當油漆工人,與父親Mustafa 同住。他從咖啡渣的圖案讀到自己的將來,於是作了一連串艱難的決定。Mustafa 將要第一次面對兒子的決定。   Hakan is a young Turk who works as a construction painter in France with his father Mustafa. When his future is read out to him in coffee grounds, he decides to make some difficult decisions. Mustafa will have to face the choices of his son for the first time.   第二十一屆香港 ifva 比賽亞洲新力量組入圍作品