Plot Summary:Hadji Cheriff, a performer known for a variety of unusual abilities, demonstrates part of his act in the Thomas Edison studio. He has a large knife in his hand at the opening of the act. He then hurls the knife away and begins a rapid series of dance-like motions, executing numerous cartwheels and whirling movements.
美国无声短片《海吉·切里夫》(英语:Hadj Cheriff),也称《阿拉伯耍刀手海吉·切里夫》(Hadj Cheriff, Arab Knife Juggler)(Hadj,朝圣者的意思),摄于1894年10月6日,拍摄者是威廉·迪克森(William K.L. Dickson),威廉·海斯(William Heise),拍摄地是爱迪生的布莱克·玛利亚制片厂(Black Maria Studio),主演海吉·切里夫是一位有很多绝活的表演者。