玉川区役所 OF THE DEAD(2014)

主演:林遣都 广濑爱丽丝 金子统昭 高桥努 片桐仁 古馆宽治 丰田艾莉 田畑智子 近藤公园 千叶雅子 松泽一之 

导演:河原雅彦 / 熊坂出 / 编剧:新井友香/赤松義正

玉川区役所 OF THE DEAD:在线播放

玉川区役所 OF THE DEAD:最新迅雷BT资源

玉川区役所 OF THE DEAD:最新字幕下载

玉川区役所 OF THE DEAD:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:16 years ago, there was an occurrence of zombies in western Mexico. They rapidly spread around the world through the transmission of a virus. The world was thrown into panic with the appearance of the first zombies, but because their movements were slow and they were also feeble, zombies were not commonly perceived to be such a threat and their existence became an everyday affair. In Tamagawa ward in Japan, there is a special welfare division where all the defective staff members from other divisions have been transferred. The primary responsibilities of this division are to manage and capture special insurance subjects (residents carrying the zombie virus or zombified residents). Akaba Shinsuke is one such staff member, but he is in no way motivated. In his 25 years, he has had no one to call girlfriend and leads an uninspiring life. However, one day, Tachibana Rin, a girl with the looks of an idol and skills of a martial artist is assigned as a rookie.
十数年前,可怕的僵尸病毒在世界范围内爆发。为了应对日益失控的局势,日本各地成立了专门管理和捕捉僵尸的特别福祉课(特保课)。时至今日,特保课的业务似乎早已步入正轨,这一天该课迎来了新人赤羽晋助(林遣都 饰)的加盟。此前他曾从僵尸的魔爪中救下美丽女孩立花凛(广濑爱丽丝 饰),却没想到对方竟是自己所在活动系的同事。日常里他和同侪接受住民的咨询、宣传和推广病毒普查和预防知识,是不是还要去辖区处理各种各样的突发情况。   攸关生命的僵尸之务无大小,加上还有各种不着调的人在旁边打转,作为公务员的赤羽度过了一个有一个难熬的绝命日夜……


花大人 • 另类世界末日/丧尸围城
