Plot Summary:Heiner had an industrial accident and died some time ago and his Italian friend Lucky is sad, as well as his wife Gisela and his son Thomas. Jupp Kaltofen and Erwin Kutter, two old incorrigibles, are arguing about their merits in World War II. This leads to a fight, which in the end leads to Lucky's wedding with the daughter of the pub owner. But soon he is a proud father. And in between there are various erotic moments.
鲁尔矿工电影系列第3部。根据德国拳击手、矿工、警察和作家汉斯-亨宁·克莱尔的矿区硬汉系列小说之一的《让我痒,伙计!Laß jucken, Kumpel!》改编的性喜剧电影。 影片主要描写一个矿工在鲁尔矿区所谓的爱情冒险。由矿工们辛勤工作、喝啤酒和床上乐趣等生活部分再加上两个婚礼的筹备及一些士兵的轶事所组成的一部没有水平的原创电影