Plot Summary:In the middle of the 16th century, Hideyoshi, a power hungry warlord sets out to destroy the Momochi clan. He sends his war commander in search of the clan's hidden gold only to find that two daggers are the key to the hiding place of the treasured gold. Spanning decades, the quest for the missing daggers takes Shiranui through war and ancient tradition.
图谋夺取天下的羽柴秀吉为扫清障碍,派遣心腹不知火将监(千叶真一 饰)围剿伊贺忍者百地三太夫一族。百地一族灭亡,三太夫之子鹰丸(真田广之 饰)逃往中国,十余年后学得武术回到日本,与儿时的伙伴相聚,发誓向丰臣一家复仇。 丰臣秀吉进行对外扩张计划亟需资金支持,而鹰丸所佩匕首藏有家族金矿的秘密地图,于是丰臣再次派兵围剿百地残党。数次战争后百地一族遭遇挫败,鹰丸绝望之际,神秘老者户泽白云齐(丹波哲郎 饰)出手相助,训练众人,并将藏有另外半张地图的匕首交到鹰丸手中……