
又名:Betty Boop in Snow White


主演:凯比·卡洛威 梅·奎斯特尔 

导演:戴夫·弗莱彻 / 





Plot Summary:The evil, long-nosed queen asks the magic mirror in her hand who's the fairest in the land, and the mirror replies that she is. But into the queen's cave walks Betty Boop, singing that she wants to see her stepmama. Now Betty is the fairest in the land and the queen orders her beheaded. Koko and Bimbo can't bring themselves to do it. Later, Betty ends up encased in a block of ice. The Seven Dwarfs, thinking she's dead, bring her into the Mystery Cave, her final resting place. Bimbo and Koko join them. And so does the queen, who has changed herself into a witch. The clown, with Cab Calloway's voice, sings "St. James Infirmary Blues" in the weird cave full of flying skeletons and floating ghosts. Only a reversal of fortune can save Betty and the two heroes now.
在一座宏伟的城堡内,长鼻子的恶德王后对自己的美貌极有信心,她拿着魔镜问谁才是这个世界上最漂亮的人,魔镜回答是王后,令这个高傲自大的女人非常满意。与此同时,美丽可爱的贝蒂(梅伊·奎斯托尔 Mae Questel 配音)来到城堡,宣称要见她的继母。她的美貌有目共睹,令担当武士的小丑Koko迷恋不已。因此当王后再度讯问魔镜时,得到的答案竟然变成了贝蒂。恶毒的女人恼羞成怒,下令武士们将贝蒂处死。Koko他们泪流满面,暗中则挖了一个洞帮这个不幸的女孩逃跑,小矮人们中途救下贝蒂,可是王后不会就此善罢甘休……   本片在2006年法国昂西国际动画电影节被评为“动画的世纪•100部作品”第十六名。


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