Plot Summary:The Angels and Bosley head to Vegas upon being hired by Frank Howell, the owner of the Tropicana Hotel and Casino. To use his word, he, despite claiming that he hasn't an enemy in the world in he operating above board (he having won the hotel and casino outright in a craps game), believes someone is trying to "Gaslight (1944)" him, with small things not being quite right or as he remembered, with the kicker being two of his employees - a young parking lot attendant and showgirl Mary Phillips, a personal friend - being killed in the span of a week in what were both considered accidents, with the circumstances surrounding both deaths out of character. With only Frank knowing who they are, Sabrina is to go undercover as Frank's personal executive consultant, Bosley as a hotel doorman, Kelly to replace Mary's position as a dancer in the Folies Bergère production, and Kris to be a backup singer for Frank's lounge act, longtime friend and crooner, recently widowed Marty Cole, with Kelly and...