我的妈咪金摇摆La tribu(2018)

又名:The Tribe / 街舞部落


主演:帕科·莱昂 卡门·马奇 

导演:费尔南多·科洛莫 / 编剧:费尔南多·科洛莫 Fernando Colomo/约兰达·加西亚·塞拉诺 Yolanda García Serrano/Joaquín Oristrell





Plot Summary:Fidel is a CEO from a company named Omnicron in the eye of the hurricane when, while he was having sex with his secretary on his office, he suddenly suffers of "penis captivus" and is trapped, unable to withdraw of her. The arrival of a medical team to take from there to the hospital is turned in a video viral by some office workers, and he's fired by the company, being rejected too by his girlfriend and adoptive family. Missing from the public eye, a year later Fidel decides to meet his biological mother to rebuild his life, who gave him for adoption after his birth. Going to the hotel where Virginia works as cleaner woman to meet her in the bar, Fidel is bullied by a waiter who was a former intern of his own, causing his rage. Arriving at the bar, Virginia finds a furious Fidel going away from there, and she tries to stop him. Desperate and frustrate, Fidel tries commit suicide throwing himself to a bus, hitting violently and falling to the sidewalk. In the hospital Virginia learns ...
费得(帕科·莱昂 Paco León 饰)是普世意义上的人生赢家,在一家拥有三百多名员工的公司担任人力资源总监。然而,似乎是在一夜之间,费得失去了一切,不仅公司倒闭声名狼藉,更糟糕的是,他失去了记忆,甚至连自己是谁都不知道。   薇吉娜(卡门·马奇 Carmen Machi 饰)是费得的母亲,然而在费得很小的时候,她就离开了他。如今,面对失忆的儿子,薇吉娜决定补偿那段失落的时光,就这样,费得开始了和母亲同居的生活。薇吉娜是一个个性开朗活泼风趣的女人,和一群同她一样人生不顺的妈妈们一起,薇吉娜组建了一个街舞团,在韵律和舞动之间,濒临破碎的亲子关系渐渐得以修复。


银丝面 • 音乐带上舞蹈治愈心情
