Belle étoile(1938)


主演:米歇尔·西蒙 让-皮埃尔·奥蒙特 梅格·勒莫尼耶 萨蒂南·法布尔 

导演:雅克·德巴龙切利 / 编剧:米歇尔·迪朗 Michel Duran

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Belle étoile:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:A young man ,weary of life ,wants to throw himself into the river ;but a young girl does it at the very moment he is about to act.He saves her from drowning and a "guardian angel" welcomes him ,in the shape of a tramp .Both young people decide to live under the stars ,like their mate .The damsel is a wealthy banker's daughter and the boy a poor artist ,but he is handsome whereas all the men the rich dad wanted his heiress to marry were graybeards. Dad gets out of his way to find back his precious darling;but gangsters get wind of the disappearance and demand a ransom.
