
又名:The Rebirth


主演:小林政广 渡边真起子 

导演:小林政广 / 编剧:小林政广 Masahiro Kobayashi




日期 资源名称
2021-05-21 爱的预感愛の予感.2007.Chs.srt
2019-05-12 爱的预感愛の予感.2007.Chs.srt


Plot Summary:Coincidence and the aftermath of violence. A man's middle-school daughter has been murdered. His wife is already deceased. He tells a counselor he wants to live in anonymity, working with his hands. He moves away and gets a job in a factory. The woman who is the mother of the killer wants to apologize to the father, although she knows it would change nothing. He refuses to meet. She moves back to her hometown. She works in the kitchen at an inn where the man now lives. No one speaks. He eats alone. He reads in his apartment. She walks to her home and has a sandwich. She keeps her eyes lowered. He drives to work. Does either want to connect? What bond can they establish?
喧闹熙攘的东京,一场灾难摧毁了两个原本便充满艰辛的家庭。中年男子顺一(小林政広 饰)在妻子死后独立抚养女儿长大,谁知女儿却被同级女生刺死;单身母亲典子(渡辺真起子 饰)尽可能满足女儿的要求,但怎么也想不到女儿成了杀人凶手。一年后,身心承受巨大悲痛的顺一和典子不约而同在北海道展开新的生活。顺一在炼铁厂工作,日出而作,日落而息,用繁重的体力活麻木身心;典子在顺一居住的民宿打工,终日埋头苦干,不发一语。直到某天,两人偶然相遇,旧日的伤疤再次淌血……   本片荣获2007年洛迦诺国际电影节金豹奖以及CICAE奖、青年评委会奖特别提及,是37年前实相寺昭雄《无常》以来首部获金豹奖的日本影片。
