Plot Summary:U.S. Army Sergeant Max Young is sent to East Berlin as a new addition to the Military Liaison Mission, MLM for short. Their job is to oversee the Soviet Unions dismantling of nuclear weapons in East Germany. Sergeant Young is assigned as a driver for Colonel Cahill, the MLMs top intelligence officer. When the radio traffic between Soviet high command and Wursen, a top secret Soviet missile base suddenly stops Colonel Cahill and Sergeant Young is ordered to conduct a reconnaissance mission round the Wursen base. After a cold night in the woods around the base the sun is slowly rising and whats unfolds is far more then Sergeant Young had ever anticipated on. The film was based on the true story of U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel Arthur D. Nicholson Jr., that took place on 24th March 1985, while performing a mission at a Soviet training area in Ludwigslust, East Germany.
剧情概况:冷战期间,男主角是美国的一名士兵,美军发现他们驻地附近的一个 苏联导弹基地突然“撤离”。为了弄清缘由,他和一个长官深入调查,不料那基地里还有剩余苏联守军,他逃脱而长官被杀。他后来再次带着相机独身潜入,发现原来是小核弹不慎爆炸,炸死了那儿的苏军。