Plot Summary:When Narudom inherits a gothic castle from his deceased parents, he gets far more than a new place to live. In it he finds a book called "Immortal Life." By opening it, he inadvertently releases the ancient vampire Mekin, and now Narudom finds himself bringing new victims home every night to satisfy the vampire's thirst for blood. There are those who wish to put the dark creature's destruction to an end, however, and soon a young sorcerer will penetrate the castle walls in the hopes of doing just that.
纳鲁多无意进入一个神秘的地下室后,性格起了莫大变化,纳不知从何而来的复生咒把邪恶的魔鬼梅金唤醒。威塔瓦感到纳的变化,与女友罗妮决定到地下室阻止这一切。纳为使梅金成不死之身,令许多无辜少女成为祭品及加入魔鬼门徒之列。邪恶的少女门徒剧增,情况变得难以收拾…… Narudom突然间性情大变,由一个好人变成一名极为阴险及不懂交际的人。 他终日困著自己锁在他父母留给他的古堡内。他终日困着自己锁在他父母留给他的古堡内。有一天他在古堡发现一本名为「Immortal Life」的魔法书,而该书是由一名来自西藏的喇嘛送赠的。 书中提名一个邪魔Mekin重新的故事。一名女子为了Mekin的灵魂得到永生而被杀,可是Mekin却终情于他的旧情人Ramanee,而该人即是现世Witthawat。Narudom又如何面对这个邪灵Narudom又如何面对这个邪灵?