Plot Summary:In the steppes of the Kuban love is born on two collective farms while wheat is (enthusiastically) gathered. Galina, the energetic chairwoman of one of the two kolkhozes, vies with her male counterpart for the best harvest. At the same time Gordey, her rival, a former soldier, is (and has been for ages) in love with her. On her part, Dasha a collective farm worker, has heartbeat for a young technician of the competing kolkhoz...
讲述了以吴雅和毕百灵为代表的库班新苏维埃集体农庄的农民们热爱劳动,热爱祖国,歌唱爱情与幸福的故事。影片中最成功的插曲有四首:《丰收之歌》《从前你这样》《红莓花儿开》和《歌唱幸福》。 国内有配音版: 【译制出品】长春电影制片厂(东影,1950) 【配音演员】孙忠志 薛挽澜 向隽殊 彭勃 从连文等