

日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 [Heijin] Karas [BD H.264 1080p AAC 5.1]
日期 资源名称
2019-05-10 Karas, The Prophecy.mkvMKV
2019-05-10 Karas The Prophecy (2005)Dual Audio[Plaz]M4V


日期 资源名称
2021-05-21 鸦KARAS(BDRIP1-6)R3dvd.zip
2019-05-12 鸦KARAS(BDRIP1-6)R3dvd.zip


Plot Summary:In a Japanese city haunted by nature spirits and demons, a secret war is raging between the renegade demon Eko and a spectral warrior known as the Karas. Eko has mechanized himself and his followers to defend against the unearthly fury of the Karas; in addition to an armored humanoid form, the Karas can transform into any of various heavily armed and armored vehicles. Eko and his followers prefer to live in the material realm in human form, but to continue doing so they must feed on the fluids of human bodies. Their periodic feasts result in massacres that leave only a single traumatized survivor; these "inexplicable" tragedies are the obsession of a marginalized police inspector whose daughter was the survivor of one such massacre. Opposing Eko are the renegade demon Nue, who also lives in the material world in human form but refuses to drink blood or take a mechanized form, and Otoha, a former human who is summoned by the mysterious Yurine to become the new Karas.


enkysteady • Karas:人性那耀眼的光辉闪烁在迷雾重重夜空

精致的动画电影,6集,只挑好的谈不吹毛求疵。 1.1 初格斗 展示了日本领先的电脑动画制作效果,将

《幻想廃人》 • 补完

当年追到第三话,感想是人物关系错综复杂。 今天把它从头到尾连着六话重看了一遍,那动作的流畅和pose

首席备胎 • 画面很过瘾


八点档女二号 • 总在毁灭中重生


[已注销] • 被人称作神作?

感觉情感没有描绘出来,鸦和是什么花还是草的那个女孩子(忘记了)的感情真没感觉到…… 原谅我上来的不满