Plot Summary:The "Payitaht - Abdulhamid", which will carry the important events of Sultan Abdulhamid's sultanate in 1896. It will also discuss the battle that resulted in Ottoman victory after a long time: "Greek War", The First Zionist Congress and the Palestinian lands issues will come to the screen. Another important project that Sultan has succeeded in is the work of the Hijaz Railway and among other important historical events that will take place in the Payitaht Abdulhamid. The series, which witnessed the struggle of the country with Sultan Abdulhamid Khan, promised to present to the children of a strong nation who is carrying on day to day and as a gift to our future history, will be presented with the message of 'Struggle!'
影评讲述了奥斯曼帝国的34任苏丹阿卜杜勒·哈米德二世(1876—1909年在位),在西方列强的环伺下努力维系帝国的稳定和统一,同时应付犹太复国运动等内忧外患,并从外国势力手中保护巴勒斯坦和圣地。他为挽救衰落的帝国作出多项强有力的改革,但同时也因他的专制和对反对声音的暴 力镇压引起国内强烈不满,被称为"血腥的苏丹"。