The Mirage(1924)



导演:乔治·阿切因波特 / 

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Plot Summary:Dreaming of a career as an opera singer in New York, Irene Martin departs from her small hometown, leaving behind her family and sweetheart. She finds a part in the show on the Knickerbocker Roof and meets wealthy businessman Henry Galt, who asks her to a party. The next day she receives a box of roses and $50 from Galt, sent to her as payment for entertaining his guests. Deeply insulted, Irene goes to Galt to demand an apology and return the money, but he explains that he often hires chorus girls to entertain prospective customers, and then he makes an agreement with Irene for her professional services. Entertaining at Galt's parties, Irene remains aloof, and Galt, who recognizes her worth, falls in love with her. Al Manning, Irene's sweetheart, is sent to New York to do business with Galt; when he finds her in his company, he suspects the worst, \"propositions\" her, and informs her mother that Irene is a fallen woman. Galt realizes that he has compromised Irene's reputation and asks her to marry him. Irene at first refuses, mistaking his love for gallantry, but when she finally realizes that his love is genuine, she accepts his proposal.
