Plot Summary:Seeing notices announcing his death,Krod and his band assume Grimshank has betrayed them and, helped by his ex-wife Agnes, sneak into his room,stealing Aneka's tears and a dog's tooth he wears, the loss of which renders him powerless. He explains that he only acted as he did to get into Dongalor's confidence and stop the activation of the Eye. Dongalor arrives and Ralph, the real traitor, who is greedy for wealth, gives him the tears. In the ensuing fight Ralph kills Grimshank and Aneka saves Krod by killing Ralph. Dongalor tells Krod that they are brothers-in-law as he was once married to Krod's long- estranged crazy sister. Krod destroys the Eye, knocking Dongalor and Barnabus out of the window. They land in a tree,which Dongalor's mad son, Homunculus, attempts to fell with a hatchet whilst Aneka and Krod inspire the locals to steal Dongalor's gold and mules.