Taken: The Search for Sophie Parker(2013)


主演:Julie Benz Amy Bailey Jeffrey Meek 

导演:Don Michael Paul / 编剧:Ellis Black/Rafael Jordan

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日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 Taken-The.Search.for.Sophie.Parker.2013.720p
日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 Taken-The.Search.for.Sophie.Parker.2013

Taken: The Search for Sophie Parker:最新字幕下载

Taken: The Search for Sophie Parker:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:18 year-old Sophie Parker goes on spring break to Moscow with her friend Janie Hillman, daughter of the American Ambassador to Russia. When a reluctant Sophie is convinced by boy-crazy Janie to sneak out of the U.S. Embassy and go to a nightclub, the two girls are drugged and abducted by a Russian sexual slavery ring operating in the heart of Moscow. Sophie's widowed mother, Stevie, is a tough NYPD detective. When she gets an alarming and mysterious call from Sophie's cell-phone, Stevie takes the next plane to Russia, where she moves heaven and earth, and the Moscow police, on her frantic and action-packed quest to save her baby girl.
