Plot Summary:A city rat pursues a nearly empty bag of cheese snacks that's drifting in the breeze. His journey takes him through a vent into a highly mechanized rat lab, where one particular white female gets his attention. The attraction seems mutual. Now, is there any way out? Bar codes and coincidence figure in the resolution.
在城市地铁线路附近,生活着一群食不果腹的老鼠。在狂风大作的日子里,一个薯条的包装袋吸引了一只小老鼠的主意。它随着包装袋盲打误撞,跌进了一间全自动化的实验室。在这里,同样生活着一群实验用的小白鼠,它们的身上打着条码,为了所谓科技的进步随时都要丢掉性命。 误闯实验室的老鼠邂逅一只迷人的雌性小白鼠,它尾随爱人的脚步,却无意中触动了实验室的机关,被监视四周的机器抓了起来。虽然外面的世界险恶丛生,但向往自由的老鼠决定带着爱人逃脱樊笼,回到大千世界……