Plot Summary:Ivan is old Russia: thick, dour, hard-working, often brutish; he misses Communism. He drives a taxi and one night meets Alexi, a new Russian, a musician, an alcoholic, irresponsible. Alexi stiffs Ivan for the fare, so Ivan tracks him down and a love-hate relationship ensues. When Alexi lets the bath water run over in Ivan's flat and Ivan must pay 500 rubles for repairs, he tries to force Alexi into day labor to repay him. It's hopeless. Then, suddenly, Alexi is discovered, goes on a jazz tour of America, becomes a celebrity, and returns in triumph. Ivan longs to renew the friendship, and it looks as if he may get what he wants.
前苏联解体前夕,出租车司机什勒科夫(平托•雅申科 Pyotr Zajchenko 饰)搭载了萨克号手列沙(平托•玛莫诺夫Pyotr Mamonov 饰),后者在他面前借酒撒风的行为,激怒了这个每天为生计奔忙的男人,他用老拳狠狠教训了这个社会的寄生虫,还夺走了他的萨克斯风。但是,什勒科夫慢慢发现列沙也在艰辛地讨生活,其实他们是同类。于是,在列沙消沉的时候,什勒科夫用体能训练教会他如何变得强悍。在什勒科夫烦躁的时候,列沙又用音乐调节生活的苦涩。底层的相似命运,让两人冰释前嫌,化敌为友。然而,他们的生活依旧如此窘迫,在房东的冷眼与他人的嘲笑中,他们体会到了相互依存的友谊…… 本片导演巴维尔•隆金摘得第43届戛纳电影节最佳导演奖。