Ça n'arrive qu'aux vivants(1959)

又名:It Only Happens to the Living


主演:雷蒙·佩尔格兰 玛加莉·诺埃尔 Emile Prud'homme 马克·瓦尔贝尔 安德烈·瓦尔米 丹尼尔·柯西 皮埃尔·拉尔凯 吉尔贝·吉尔 Paul Demange 亨利科甘 Julien Maffre Jean-Jacques Lécot André Bollet Giselle Pascal 

导演:Tony Saytor / 编剧:弗朗索瓦·布瓦耶 François Boyer/詹姆斯·哈德利·契斯 James Hadley Chase/让·科斯莫 Jean Cosmos/皮埃尔·拉里 Pierre Lary

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Ça n'arrive qu'aux vivants:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:A young garage owner ,Henri ,whose business is not going well, fixes the lovely Gloria's car on the road.She suggests he let part of his garage to her friends.After taking advice from his wife, he accepts but it does not take him long to realize it's a mistake.Gloria seduces him,compromising photographs are taken and his tenants ,who are in fact gangsters ,blackmail him: he lets them "do their job" or his wife will see the pictures.The criminals intend to stage a hold-up,and Henri cannot stop them.However ,after his best friend 's death ,he will pull himself together.
