
又名:宫殿背后的天才 / BBC:宫殿天才


导演:Mattia Amadori / Andrea Corti / Max De Ponti / Sarah Marder / 





Plot Summary:THE GENIUS OF A PLACE tells the story of Cortona, a tiny Italian town catapulted to notoriety by being the backdrop for book then movie, 'Under the Tuscan Sun. The resulting fame accelerated the sleepy town's pace of change, upsetting its age-old equilibrium on many different fronts. During the four years of filming this documentary, the crew captured Cortona's citizenry as it began to ponder the hidden costs that had come bundled together with the town's economic boom. While residents welcome this new-found prosperity in many ways, they also see that its flip side is jeopardizing what has long made Cortona unique, beautiful, livable and sustainable. Cortona ultimately is a microcosm, allowing us to see similar, complex challenges faced by communities around the globe.
这个具有启示性的系列揭示了英国一些最辉煌宫殿背后的秘密,包括建设到反应社会变化的卓越肖像。   堡垒和城堡是出于国防目的而建设的要塞,壮丽宏伟的宫殿却是为杰出的主教和国王建设的住宅,可以追溯到罗马时期。   数世纪以来,宫殿都是王国社会和政治生活的核心,反应了建设这些宫殿的人的个性。   历史学家丹·克鲁克香克解读了这些宫殿的艺术语言,从文艺复兴时期的肖像到帕拉迪奥式建筑的完美,介绍了塔楼、栏杆和柱廊背后高贵的建筑学头脑。   现代工匠和木匠通过同一时期的账目和存货,解释了建筑中凝聚的非同寻常的劳动。   这个系列揭示了仆人和朝臣们的日常生活,他们是这些美丽建筑的命脉。
