Plot Summary:Fatima Ali Alhameli was the first Emirati female camel owner to enter her camel in the country's camel beauty pageant competition and participate in Abu Dhabi's camel auctions. Her attempts faced stiff opposition from the organizers and society. However, she persisted as she was determined to represent Emirati women in this largely male bastion and keen on proving to the world that her gender would not hold her back. An inspiring film about a woman's courage and pioneering spirit.
一個人跟整個阿拉伯世界打仗?傻的嗎?更匪夷所思的, 這是個她。花地瑪是駱駝痴,喪夫後尋回貝都牧民的根, 戴上傳統皮面具,落戶沙漠,與美駝為伍。她參加駱駝 選美,去駱駝拍賣會,都是女子禁足地,她是第一人。 那是一個人的抗爭。男人認為只有男人懂駱駝,她就覺 得自己的寶貝冧巴 one。只有兒子縱她,鏡頭下,她用昂 貴進口洗髮水,給駱駝洗一個性感的浴。花地瑪躺在沙 漠,也很性感,像大海裏的美人魚,她說,這裏近天空。 她是自由鳥。獲杜拜電影節最佳紀錄片獎。