
又名:Pan Rai Phai Ruk / Evil Plan Loses For Love

主演:拉塔浦·朵空萨 芘拉妮·巩泰 艾丝特·苏普莉拉 吉拉宇·丹特古 Gale Warunlak Sirimaneewattana Surint Karawoot (Woot) 提拉达·迈特瓦拉育 Tubtim Phichamon 

导演:阿敦 / 本雅布特 / Adun / Bunbut / 编剧:舒伟烈 Suwinit Panjamawat





Plot Summary:Kemmik is an air hostess. She gets hurt after experiencing a one night stand with Seua. She believes that he's a jerk who dumps girls after he gets their body. As a result, Kemmik doesn't believe in love. She starts taking weird jobs, which is to make plans in order to prove real love. She gets hired by Saengsuda. Her job is to destroy the love of Phisaeng, Saengsuda's only son who has gone to work in a farm, and to bring him back to manage the airline company. This is the beginning of the fun because of course, Phisaeng and Seua, the one guy whom Kemmik never wants to meet again in this life, are the same person.
科米特(芘拉妮·巩泰 Matt Peeranee Kongthai 饰)是一个身材有些胖胖的姑娘,从小到大,她都因为自己的体型而感到十分的自卑。一场同学聚会中,科米特喝多了,第二天醒来时,身边竟然躺着一个男人,明白了昨晚发生了什么事的科米特,等来的只有这个男人的冷嘲热讽和无情抛弃。   在好友娜妮帕(艾丝特·苏普莉拉 Esther Supreeleela 饰)的鼓励之下,科米特决定开始减肥。在经历了千辛万苦之后,科米特终于减肥成功,成为了令所有男人都无法移开目光的大美女。虽然获得了美貌,但科米特对男人已经没有半点信任了,她决定报复这些肤浅的视觉动物。
