生日派对The Birthday Party(1931)


主演:华特·迪士尼 玛塞丽特·加纳 

导演:Burt Gillett / 





Plot Summary:Mickey's friends throw him a surprise birthday party at Minnie's house. The chef brings out the cake (with 2 candles); Mickey manages to blow all the cake onto the chef's face, while the candles stay lit. He unwraps his present: a miniature piano. He plays a duet of I Can't Give You Anything But Love, Baby with Minnie, followed by an instrumental version of The Darktown Strutter's Ball, which everyone dances to (including Mickey and Minnie, while the piano stools keep playing). Mickey then plays There's No Place Like Home on the xylophone, then accompanies Minnie on another piece, after which the xylophone gets frisky and eventually dumps Mickey in the fish bowl.
晴朗的日子里,米奇(沃尔特·迪斯尼 Walt Disney 配音)头戴礼帽、手持文明杖,哼着欢快的曲调来到了米妮(玛西丽特·加纳 Marcellite Garner 配音)的家中。房间里已经聚满了无数的小动物,他们都是米奇和米妮的好朋友,今天正等在房间内为米奇庆祝生日。听到敲门声,米妮命令大家藏起来。打开门后,米奇和米妮相互问候,突然所有的小动物都跳了出来,大道“惊喜”。肥胖的厨师端出了诱人的生日蛋糕,好朋友们也为米奇准备了礼物。里面是一架钢琴,快乐的米奇跳到钢琴前,和米妮合作弹奏起欢快的乐曲。   好朋友们闻歌起舞,热闹的舞会就在房中举行。这是米奇的生日,也是所有好朋友们的节日……
