Plot Summary:They're President of the Republic, nanny, baker, actress, teacher, florist, journalist, unemployed, pediatrician. They are possessive, benevolent, clumsy, absent, omnipresent, overwhelmed, guilty, indulgent, loving, fragile, in full possession of their means or losing their heads. Alive or already a memory - Son or daughter, we remain with the desire that they let go of us and the fear that they will leave us. And then we become mothers - and it's our party.
這是有關母性的故事。是有關法國總統、保母、麵包師、演員、教師、花商、記者、失業者和兒科醫生的故事,看他們如何面對懷孕和新生嬰兒。她們變得佔有慾強,把孩子看得緊緊的,變得小心翼翼、笨拙、心不在焉、無處不在、匆忙、內疚、縱容、愛心爆棚又脆弱…… 所有母親都不是完美的。這同時亦是有關三姐妹照顧一個甚麼也不在乎的母親的故事。