假面人生To monon tis zois tou taxeidion(2001)


主演:Ilias Logothetis -Georgios Vizyinos Fragiski Moustaki-Giorgis - Kid 

导演:Lakis Papastathis / 编剧:Elena Pega/Giorgios Vizyenos/Lakis Papastathis/Marianna Koutalou





Plot Summary:As Georgios Vizneyos, one of Greece's greatest authors, degenerates in an Athens mental asylum, the tale of another story-teller, his grandfather, begins to emerge through his mad ramblings. This lavish film recreates (through his own words) the writer's childhood life, rich with fantasy and legend. Apprenticed to a tailor, young Georgios' mind is filled with his grandfather fairy tales. He ponders the hill from which one can climb into the sky and waits each day for the chance to bring clothes to the princess and win her heart through song. But, just as reality begins to germinate doubt in his mind, Georgios is called home to his ailing grandfather, who will reveal one final, true story that may prove to be the most fantastic of all.
希腊殿堂级作家Giorgios Vizyenos自传式小说改编。Vizyenos爱恋十二岁女孩,不顾家人反对要娶她为妻,结果被迫在疯人院度余生,却写下不少佳作。故事从疯人院展开,他回忆儿时日子,爷爷讲了许多浪迹天涯的有趣故事,长大后发现爷爷从未踏出乡土半步,所有故事其实凭空想像天花乱坠。爷爷投射故事里的爱念与恐惧,梦想与失落,全在孙儿身上活了过来。他世界里,真假难分,现实与虚构并存。但只要活得真实,别的实在没有甚么关系。电影诞生前夕,维真尼斯给关进疯人院,一百年后,电影重现美丽故事,也再现君士坦丁堡古城风貌。
