

主演:私市淳 堀江由衣 国府田真理子 飯塚雅弓 佐藤朱 田村由香里 

导演:伊藤尚往 / 编剧:麻枝准 Jun Maeda



日期 资源名称
2019-05-10 [Coalgirls]_Kanon_(1280x720_Blu-Ray_FLAC)
日期 资源名称
2019-05-10 ain kercha lotfi double kanon عين كرشة لط
2019-05-10 [Koga] Wakeshima Kanon - Suna no Oshiro ( Karaoke
2019-05-10 Kanon 2006 Finnish subtitles [SOSPr]
2019-05-10 Kanon 2006 (2006) by NapZter



Plot Summary:Changing schools is something Yuuchi is accustomed to, due to his parent's profession, and with their recent venture to Africa, he is returning to his aunt's home after 7 years. The time that has passed since his last visit has faded his memories of the people he knew, and the ties that bonded them to him, including his cousin Nayuki. Slowly those people, coincidently all being girls, find their way back to him. However, time has passed and things have happened in their own lives that sets the tone for the series. Secrets that are coming to surface, and memories that are returning to not only Yuuichi, but to those surrounding him.
因为工作的缘故,祐一(私市淳 配音)的双亲即将前往国外,祐一不愿意和父母一起出国,于是,他决定前往阿姨水濑秋子(皆口裕子 配音)家借宿,因而回到了阔别七年的北方小镇。尽管曾经在这个小镇里生活过,但祐一却失去了那一段记忆。   个性胆小爱哭但十分坚强的月宫亚由(堀江由衣 配音)、活泼可爱,乐观向上的水濑名雪(国府田麻理子 配音)、元气满满有些傲娇的泽渡真琴(饭冢雅弓 配音)、沉默寡言外冷内热的川澄舞(田村由加莉 配音)和外表娇弱内心坚强的美坂栞(佐藤朱 配音),五名个性迥异但同样善良可爱的女孩子接二连三的出现在了祐一的身边。她们和祐一那失落的记忆是否有着千丝万缕的关联呢?
