Plot Summary:The story is on 17-year-old girl, Tenka, who was born and raised in Sendai, Miyagi prefecture. Her family moves to Tokyo when her father changes his job. Tenka stays for a short period of time with her grandfather who is an eager rice farmer, living at Igune, forest in the middle of vast rice paddies of the Sendai plains. After graduating from high school, she moves to Kichijyoji in Tokyo to live with her family in a house which is on the site of a temple owned by her grandfather's old friend, Suzuki Shozo. On the site, there is also a small nursery school ran by Shozo's wife, Yoshiko. Tenka gradually starts to think of becoming a nurse who looks after children. It is eventually revealed that Tenka's family and Suzuki Shozo's family has had a strong connection for generations. Tenka finds that she herself is engaged to Shozo's grandson, Ryunosuke according to a promise between her grandfather and Shozo. The heroine is played by Ema Fujisawa who is 21 years old. She was selected from 2,367 applicants. Locations include Sendai, Miyagi and Musashino, Tokyo.
2004年度上半期(3月29日 - 9月25日)に放送のNHK連続テレビ小説第70作目にあたるテレビドラマである。イグネに囲まれた農家で農業に生きる祖父から「物にも人にも愛情を込めることの大切さ」を教えられて育ったヒロイン、天花(藤澤恵麻)が保育園の保育士を目指す姿を宮城県仙台市と東京都武蔵野市を主な舞台に描く。