Plot Summary:Fary, a French banker in Tientsin, is victim of an hold-up. Wang Yue-Cheng robs a pagoda statue that is a priceless jewel, and part of China's national heritage. Fary informs the French authorities, who declare themselves unable to help him out. Meanwhile, Fary's daughter, Louise, is abducted. A Chinese detective, Tchao Tchun, is then called upon, to try to rescue the jewel and the girl before something untowards happens to them...
民国年间, 列强跋扈, 飞贼王月笙潜入法租界银行家鲍法利的豪华别墅, 偷走价值连城的翡翠宝塔, 更击伤数名保镖. 鲍法利命法巡捕限期破案之际, 他的独生女露易丝又被笙及其同党绑架, 勒索巨款. 法巡捕束手无策, 只好向城中有名的犯罪学家求助, 其学生赵骏被派遣相助. 骏根据线索, 断定飞贼是梨园中人, 故意潜入戏院后台生事, 果追寻得露易丝所在, 惟笙以她的性命要挟, 骏无奈束手就擒, 但凭其机智, 终成功救出露易丝. 骏乘胜追击, 暗中跟踪笙, 与笙及其党羽展开激战. 经过一轮恶斗, 骏终将笙等击倒, 夺回宝塔. 骏深知宝塔为中国国宝, 不应落入洋人之手, 在鲍法利与法巡捕的手枪威胁之下, 仍坚拒交还宝塔, 昂首阔步而去.