Los corsarios(1971)


主演:迪恩·里德 阿尔维托·德·门多萨 安娜贝拉·英恭德纳 Paca Gabaldón Tomás Blanco 弗洛琳达·奇科 

导演:费迪南多·巴尔迪 / 编剧:Mario Di Nardo

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Los corsarios:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:After the death of her father, the viceroy of a small Caribean island, the beautiful young Isabella is in a big danger. The crafty duke of Burt wants to grab the power on the isle so he decides to eliminate her. Fortunately then comes a group of pirates stranded after a shipwreck. Their leader is the brave and bold Alan Drake. The pirates are hired to protect Isabella and the adventure begins.
