Plot Summary:Pan Da Yang is as sweet and lovable as her name suggests, and she owns a small bakery called Panda Café. She hires a new pastry chef, Ko Seung Ji, whose name sounds like "hedgehog" and has a prickly personality to match. As the clashing duo churn out sweet desserts, they try to compete against a national franchise Cake Company that happens to be owned by Panda's first love. Whose desserts will reign supreme?
过去悲惨的经历令有为青年高胜志(李东海 饰)选择紧闭心扉,用冷漠伪装自己,拒绝任何人的温暖和靠近。潘多阳(尹胜雅 饰)个性大大咧咧,宛如熊猫一般温柔开朗知足常乐。仿佛上天开了一个玩笑,命运让这对性格截然相反的男女相遇了。 潘多阳经营着一间名为“熊猫”的咖啡店,经济危机令店铺门可罗雀,情势十分危机,可乐天派的潘多阳却并没有因此着急上火,她相信只要坚持不放弃,就一定会有转机。高胜志虽然为人冷酷,却拥有一颗热爱甜品的柔软心灵,他的双手仿佛会施展蜜糖的魔法一般,总是能奉上令人感到满足和幸福的甜品。就这样,高胜志成为了熊猫咖啡店内的糕点师,一段充满了欢笑与泪水的故事就此展开。