Yakuza deka: Oretachi ni haka wa nai(1971)

又名:The Diamond Trap


主演:千叶真一 内田良平 夏八木勋 水岛道太郎 Hideo Murota 人见明 Sanae Obori Hitomi Ariyoshi 馆博 Kenji Kawai 

导演:Ryuichi Takamori / 编剧:神波史男 Fumio Kônami/Ryuichi Takamori

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Yakuza deka: Oretachi ni haka wa nai:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Detective Hayata's friend is killed by criminals at a jewel business. In order to clarify the case, Hayata works in the ranks of local small community with the aim of getting closer to the big bosses responsible for the murder.
Detective Hayata's friend is killed by criminals at a jewel business. In order to clarify the case, Hayata works in the ranks of local small community with the aim of getting closer to the big bosses responsible for the murder.
