安重根击毙伊藤博文안중근 이등박문을 쏘다(1979)


主演:李义文 黄永日 吴亨文 余京爱 朴奉益 

导演:严吉善 / 编剧:白头山创作团





Plot Summary:This is a film based on the revolutionary drama \"An Jung Gun shoots Ito Hirobumi\", an immortal classic created by president Kim Il Sung during his early revolutionary activities. The \"USA five-point treaty\" was fabricated, the country becomes a colony of the Japanese imperialists. An Jung Gun, a patriotic man of will who has been on the move with boundless love for the country and hatred for the Japanese aggressors thinks that assassination of ringleaders of aggression and traitors would lead to the liberation of the country. He shoots Ito Hirobumi, the chieftain of Korean invasion, at Haerbin railway station. However, his longing for the country's independence can't be realized and the country falls in to a colony of the Japanese imperialists day after day. Longing for the leader of the nation, he heads to the execution site.
朝鲜故事影片   上译厂著名演员配音:乔榛 毕克 胡庆汉等   本片叙述了二十世纪初朝鲜爱国义士安重根枪杀日本帝国主义侵朝元凶伊藤博文的历史故事。   上个世纪初日本帝国主义侵占朝鲜,奴役朝鲜人民。安重根等一大批爱国进步人士,为了光复祖国的河山,解救苦难深重的人民,进行着不屈不挠的爱国斗争,最终在中国的哈尔滨刺杀日本侵略者驻朝鲜头目伊藤博文的行动中,他为了民族的解放和独立献出了宝贵的生命。


qfmrxx • 朝鲜反日不朽勇士

上集 1904年日本帝国主义在朝鲜本土和俄国沙皇为了争夺朝鲜这块殖民地展开了日俄战争,日本人强迫朝鲜