史前怪物Monsters We Met(2003)

又名:BBC 史前怪物


主演:Lorne Cardinal Stanley Mirindo Toa Waaka 

导演:Andy Byatt / 编剧:BBC




Plot Summary:The first episode shows audiences the American Serengeti that was once North America, and the unearthing of a Clovis child who came from some of the earliest settlers of Montana. The people hunt Caribou and Mammoths as they hide from the Smilodon and run from Arctodus simus - the dreaded Short-Faced Bear. The second episode is set 65,000 years ago, Australia was a forested land of many green plants and megafauna such as Diprotodon. The continent also housed territorial large birds like genyornis and the menacing giant monitor lizard Magalania. The ancient Aborigine found their way to the shores of this strange land of giant Marsupials and Reptiles. The third and final episode is set in the 1200s, and we catch a glimpse of the Maori traveling to New Zealand after their hero Kupe first discovered this magnificent world of birds and flightless bats. They develop a taste for Giant Moa just as the amazing Haast's Eagle had a new taste for man. However, the fastest extinction process wiped the Moa out, and the Haast's Eagle would follow the bird. The episode continues to show how Hawaii and (to an even more horrifying extent) Easter Island suffered the same fate in the end of the episode.
大约十万年前,我们的祖先离开了他们的家园 —— 非洲,开始了他们伟大的旅程,这次旅程结束于男性统治地球时期。在他们的这次旅程中,他们将和极似怪物的动物直接面对面,登上危险的大陆,这将是对他们的生存能力的一次极点的考验!   在这个系列中,我们将随同他们一起去一个人类之前从未涉足的世界探险。在这儿,我们的祖先将同被强大的肉食动物统治的野蛮的原始环境作生存的搏斗,他们既是狩猎者,同时又是被猎者。
