祖列依哈睁开了眼睛Зулейха открывает глаза(2019)

又名:Zuleikha Opens Her Eyes / Zuleikha otkrivaet glaza

主演:丘尔潘·哈马托娃 Aleksandr Sirin 拉米尔·萨比托夫 亚历山大·巴希罗夫 罗扎·哈伊鲁林娜 德米特里·库利奇科夫 罗曼·迈迪安诺夫 谢尔盖·马科韦茨基 Evgeniy Morozov 尤利娅·别列希尔德 Vladimir Shcherbakov 叶莲娜·舍甫琴科 

导演:Egor Anashkin / 编剧:Guzel Yakhina/Anna Anosova/Larisa Leonenko/Vasily Pavlov





Plot Summary:A screen version of the best-selling novel by Guzel Yakhina. The year is 1930. In a small Tartar village, a woman named Zuleikha watches as her husband is murdered by communists. Zuleikha herself is sent into exile, enduring a horrendous train journey to a remote spot on the Angara River in Siberia. Conditions in the camp are tough, and many of her group do not survive the first difficult winter. As she gradually settles into a routine, Zuleikha starts to get to know her companions. The eclectic group includes a rather dotty doctor, an artist who paints on the sly, and Ignatov, Zuleikha's husband's killer.
