忘年旅伴Compagna di viaggio(1996)


主演:Asia Argento Michel Piccoli 

导演:Peter Del Monte / 编剧:Claudia Sbarigia/Gloria Malatesta/Mario Fortunato





Plot Summary:In Rome, Cora is a waitress at a club, walks people's dogs, sleeps with various men, kips with pals, and has a salty tongue. She also has a bruised history: her mother's suicide, her brother's mental illness. Ada, a dog-owning client, hires her to follow Ada's aged and courtly father every day. The dad, a retired philology professor, has a touch of dementia, sometimes forgetting where he is; Cora is to keep him in sight, phoning Ada if the professor has difficulties. On the third day, he takes a train out of Rome, and Cora follows on what proves to be a journey into her best and worst selves. She becomes his traveling companion, but what does he become to her?
内容:   卡拉是一个对待生活和工作随意性极强的女孩,有人出钱让卡拉跟踪一位由于年事渐高,记忆力逐渐衰退的大学教授。在漫长的旅行中,卡拉回忆起儿时的情形和遇到过的形形色色的人,她试图重新找回自我。当她终于精疲力尽踏上月台,等待回家的火车时,却意外地发现老人也同样站在月台上。      本片曾参展1997年第三届上海国际电影节.
